Mobilising Adolescents and Youth
1point8 billion Campaign
Today, the world has more young people than at any time in history. However, far too many of today’s 1.8 billion youth (ages 10-24) are not reaching their full potential due to the failure of current policies and investments to meet their needs.
The 1.8 billion Young People for Change campaign is a bold global movement asking young people what they want for their health and well-being. It is an initiative aimed at gathering the perspectives, opinions, and aspirations of young people across the world.
This campaign is organized with the support of PMNCH (Partnership for Maternal, New-born and Child Health), the largest global alliance advocating for the health and well-being of women, children, and adolescents, hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO). PMNCH, together with its more than 1400 member organizations, is seeking commitments from world leaders that prioritize adolescent health and well-being. Our collaboration of certified psychologists, Child Adolescent Youth Wellbeing Collaborative (CAYW), is partnering with them for Mobilizing Campaign and Digital Advocacy
So, join the 1.8 billion young people for change campaign for, by and with young people.
By participating, you’ll be sharing your thoughts and opinions with not just us, but also with decision-makers, policy makers and international organizations who can use this information to advocate for change.As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.

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